Choose to tap into the Anointing of God

The Lord placed something on my heart that I want to share with you, and I believe it will encourage you today.

Do you know you can have a special anointing? Do you know that you can be used mightily in this season to change the world?

I believe too many in the body of Christ don’t realize there’s a boldness that’s needed today to reform and there’s an anointing to speak today. No, it has not been left in days of old. IT IS HERE RIGHT NOW! The thing is to be anointed and step into the anointing it comes with a price. Too many keep jumping on and off the bandwagon with God and wonder why they never get anointed. See there’s a difference in being appointed and being anointed.

How bad do you want a continuous fresh touch of anointing that will not just change your life but the lives of others that are touched as God uses you!

I realized in my personal life that I don’t want to be chosen for a season. I WANT to be chosen and anointed for LIFE! That’s the difference between appointed and ANOINTED!

Did you get the message here? You have the choice to live in the anointed blessing of God in not a just a small season but instead for THE REST OF YOUR DAYS IN YOUR LIFE! Judas was appointed but notice in the book of Acts he was not there when the disciples were anointed to be reformers in the 28 chapters of Acts.

Look at this scripture with me in Psalms 45:7, it says “You love justice and hate evil. Therefore God, your God, has anointed you, pouring out the oil of joy on you more than on anyone else.

The key words there are “more than anyone else” When you choose to tap in! When you choose to not accept the wicked and perverted things satan is trying to bring to this world to harm churches, to harm children, to harm those with righteous values than there’s an anointing that will be placed on you to speak!

Lord, I thank you that those that read this are getting a special grace, a special touch and a new fresh boldness and anointing that will reform in this time! Let your people God say, “I’m not interested in being relevant I am interested in being a part of a remnant!” God, I declare that a fire from the Holy Spirit consumes them greatly and they will have the wisdom to know when to speak and what to speak! And we speak it forth now in Jesus name!