One step at a time

One Step at a Time featured image

“It’s about the journey not the destination.” This is a common phrase that you’ve probably heard before, yet it contains an extremely uncommon perspective. What exactly does it mean to focus on the process instead of the desired end result?

Perhaps there is an area of your life where you are desperately in need of a breakthrough – whether that be financial, something to do with your health, or a desire to go to the next level in your career. Or perhaps you’re desiring reconciliation in a relationship of some sort. Whatever it may be, there’s a secret that you can unlock to seeing that desired situation or circumstance shift in your favor – and it’s this:

Instead of focusing on the breakthrough or desired outcome itself, focus on the source of the breakthrough! Yes, I am speaking about Jesus!

In modern culture, there is a major emphasis in the land of social media where influencers are encouraging their followers to speak things into existence. If you simply will it, it will happen! And there’s a million different methods that these so-called influencers will pitch you to bring the desires of your heart into fruition.

Biblically speaking, there are quite a few red flags with this current trend and we can address those in another blog, but for now let’s address one of the main issues with putting all of your focus on the end result – human nature inevitably kicks in after a certain time period of not seeing any results and you begin to ask the universal question, “are we there yet?” When is my circumstance going to change in my favor?

In Proverbs 20:24, the New Living Translation says, “The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?” In another way of reading this verse, the amplified version says, “Man’s steps are ordered and ordained by the LORD. How then can a man [fully] understand his way?”. As you’re reading this, you’re probably asking yourself, okay what does it mean that my steps are directed by the LORD?

Did you know that in the Bible there are MANY references to the word “steps” and also very powerful meanings associated with feet? One specific example is when Jesus was being crucified on the cross, it says in Mark 15:24 that, “They nailed his hands and feet to the cross.” It’s not coincidence or a poetic style of writing for the scripture to go into such detail about where on His body that Jesus was nailed to the cross. Mark 15:24 is a prophetic clue that points to the victory that we now have in our lives because of Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice!

Here’s what we mean: Looking specifically at his feet being nailed to the cross, it was a prophetic sign that all who believe in Jesus would have power to tread on Satan according to Psalm 91:13-14 which says, “you will tread upon the lion and cobra; The young lion and the serpent you will trample underfoot. Because he set his love on Me, therefore I will save him; I will set him [securely] on high, because he knows My name [he confidently trusts and relies on Me, knowing I will never abandon him, no, never].”

Translation: The feet of Jesus were pierced on the cross to confirm His position as King. And what does everyone do in the presence of a king? Bow at his feet in surrender and recognition of His authority and position! So, becoming the ultimate sacrifice as King, Jesus redeemed us through Him! “Feet” or “steps” in the Bible are a direct reference to our redemption through the salvation of Jesus Christ.

So if we go back to look at Proverbs 20:24, we can now read it this way:

So what’s the secret for breakthrough in whatever you are facing in life? Place ALL of your focus on pursuing a deeper relationship with Jesus with 100% of your effort. Don’t dwell on the mistakes of the past or put all of your energy into the potential of what lies ahead. Pursue Jesus with a greater dedication and energy than your hobbies, or how much time you dedicate to scrolling on your phone.

The world portrays through many voices that there are numerous ways to reach your destiny and attain peace in life, but the truth of the matter is that there is only one way and there is only one voice that matters and that is through Jesus, and Jesus alone! Here’s how you can begin build up that relationship with the Lord to remain committed in the path that He has for you to live in the breakthrough:

  • Take an extra 15-20 minutes in the morning to spend time in prayer giving Thanks to the Lord. No agenda, no prayer list. Just desire to establish a deeper relationship with Him.
  • Making it a priority to read/study the Bible everyday.
  • Regularly attend a bible-based church that emphasizes the word of God over the culture.
  • Surround yourself with people who have a strong faith in the Lord and will keep you accountable in your walk.

By focusing on the above details and being faithful to God, you WILL see an acceleration in the goodness of God and because of His goodness, those challenging areas in your life WILL change for the better